Billboard GIF

A GIF I made for fun, imagined on a billboard.

Billboard GIF


I created this GIF using Photoshop during a course project, compiling images in a sequence to create a choppy effect on loop. Using a similar effect, I typed out a quote and had it loop across the canvas.

Logo Development

The evolution of creating a logo, from black and white, to color, to business cards.

Logo Development


For a course project, I had to come up with a personal logo that could be used across both a physical and virtual platform. I used Illustrator for this project, and through multiple rounds of feedback and revisions, came up with a logo that consists of thin lines and a dual color scheme, keeping the design simple and readable.

Keith Haring Catalogue

A self-composed catalogue containing my favorite works by Keith Haring.

Keith Haring Catalogue


I created this catalogue as a free range project, shortly after visiting a Keith Haring exhibition and thus feeling inspired to compile my favorite works by him in a catalogue. I used InDesign for this process and tested out various layouts to create a well spaced catalogue.

Life During COVID

Capturing my first semester in NYC during COVID, constructed as a journal.

Life During COVID


When COVID was first introduced around the beginning of 2020, I was just beginning my spring semester of my second year at university. Whilst trying to remain cautious during the pandemic, I also wanted to explore New York City for the first time. I documented my favorite restaurants and close circle of friends that I made, journaling my way through a rough time in the world. I used InDesign for my process, as well as Photoshop for editing images.

