Hello there! I am a visual/graphic designer currently in my fourth year studying Interaction Design at New York University, expected to graduate in May 2022.

I grew up in a small suburb east of Los Angeles, and in my college years, studied in Shanghai for a year, and then New York City to complete my studies where I am currently located. I was first introduced to interactive design during my time in Shanghai, which is when I became captivated in interactive art. After taking the fundamental courses in Shanghai, I went to New York and became very passionate about digital design. Spending more time in New York is when I began articulating a sense of my personal preferences in my designs, which consist of clean and simple designs that are both functional and visually comprehensive.

In the spare time that I have, I enjoy flipping through pages of Architectural Digest, in which I have been a devoted subscriber, and I also enjoy making simple ceramic pieces, mostly bowls and cups, so I am able to turn my therapeutic art into functional pieces in the kitchen.

I am currently working at a finance tech company, nate tech, where I am involved in graphic design and studio content, organizing brand design systems, as well as UI/UX design.


  • cec717@nyu.edu

  • (909) 509-6902

  • New York University

    B.S. Interactive Design, Minor in Communications; Studio Art

    Anticipated Graduation: 05/22

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